Mr & Mrs Ferguson
We began creating art together in 2010 for Burning Man. We were encouraged that the festival’s DIY ethos gave us an immense outdoor gallery with which to flourish or fail. With Lisa’s background in television cinematography and Robert’s welding we thought to give it a try. Our early works brought us the tonic we needed to work with unique materials and techniques. With each project we build, we learn, we experiment.
Lisa is a freelance cinematographer with 35 years experience shooting and directing documentary, lifestyle and reality programs for network and cable television, film festivals and corporate clients.
Robert is the president of Ferguson Welding Service, a family business his father started. His company welds pipelines for water districts, infrastructure for Caltrans, Tesla and the new Chase Center in San Francisco. Robert has a unique background in theatre. He built sets and danced in productions for dozens of shows in the Bay Area. He has a degree in journalism and has been a radio news reporter and on air DJ.
We were married in 2011 at Burning Man under our second installation we created for the event. Lisa was originally from Calgary, Canada and moved to California to be with Robert
Our Art Team
To create a Mr & Mrs Ferguson art project we need a team that has the patience to see a job to the end, one penny nickel or dime at time. With our 2019 Bee project it was one filament and marble at a time.
We are immensely grateful to our team of friends who enjoy spending time with us. Our sessions have the feeling of a knitting bee or group meditation. Our volunteers spend their summer weekends and evenings placing coins in concrete and marvel that we have created a knitting bee atmosphere making art. When we have commissions, we employ our volunteers to work on those builds.